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About MyBacklog

What is MyBacklog?

MyBacklog is a website built by a gamer, for gamers, and it's primary aim is to change the way we play games for the better. Our revolutionary recommendation algorithm is designed to give you real-time recommendations for games you should play next, based on the ratings you have given other games and is praised for its accuracy. You can also use the platform to share reviews & lists, as well as track your game collection and ultimately work towards defeating your backlog...if that's even possible!

Who created MyBacklog?

Octorious (that's me!), is a content creator primarily focused on PlayStation-related reviews & guides. However, it quickly came to my attention whilst gaming that there is no platform that gives truly accurate recommendations based on what it is you actually like in your favourite games, so I decided to build MyBacklog and combine all the best features from game-related websites into one ultimate platform. MyBacklog originally began as a school project, but I continued development beyond the scope of the original project as I believed that there is a real usecase for this platform, not only for myself, but for every gamer on the planet. This is also my first major programming project, and doing this all on my own has certainly been a learning experience. I hope you are like the site and find it useful as a result!

Why is MyBacklog in Beta?

Web development is a process that takes a high amount of effort and time. Therefore, whilst I had originally aimed to launch MyBacklog with more features such as a social feed, time constraints have resulted in me launching as a 'Beta' website instead. As a result, you as a user can more easily provide me with feedback and feature requests that I am more likely to be able to implement. If you wish to do so, please email [email protected].

When will MyBacklog exit Beta?

Whilst an exact date cannot be given at the time of writing, it is likely that the full version of MyBacklog will be launched in Q3 of 2024. The full release will include a social feed, additional account links, mobile apps and so much more. I will be adding more and more features to the site before this as well, so make sure to use MyBacklog frequently to discover all of the latest features! Whilst in the beta phase, I will email you alerting you to major updates and additions. If you wish to opt out of these emails, please contact us at [email protected]. I sincerely apologise for the lack of an easy checkbox or unsubscribe button at the time of writing, and I understand that needing to email is not ideal. Simply using 'Unsubscribe' as the subject line in your email to us will be enough for us to recognise your request and take action.

Last Updated: 1st February 2024